Friday, September 14, 2012

What the Dogs Did

It occurred to me the other day that a photo survey of damage done to my house by dogs might be interesting.

So, here goes.

Everyone remembers Sunny as being perfect.

But he wasn't, because he did this.

I usually just keep a dog bed or a chair on top of that spot to hide it.

This bad, bad dog, foster Aussie Diesel, was responsible for the next couple of acts of destruction.

See that little, tiny hole in the corner of the blinds? 

That used to be a gigantic hole in the CENTER of the blinds.

Diesel didn't like being left alone.

Thank God Rob knows how to fix blinds, otherwise I would've had to put the white trash blanket back up in the window. 

Diesel also did this:

(Those bars are ALL supposed to be straight.)

He did that to two wire crates, by the way, so now they have to be held together by leashes.

Notice how the red leash isn't exactly the right length?

That was the fault of this one.

Oakland didn't approve of being in the crate all day either.

She let me know by eating the leash.

Now she gets to be loose while I'm gone.

So far she hasn't eaten anything else.

See this stain?

This, and a couple hundred or so just like it, are caused by these:

And all the other ones just like them that I've had over the years.

I KNEW buying a house with carpet was a mistake!

I like to display my race bibs on my refrigerator.

I've thrown up on some of them, and dripped snot and spit on all of them, but I've never made them look like this:

Or this:

No, that is Dylan's special brand of destruction.

This scratched door was scratched by...

Oh, wait a second, that was like that when I got here.

Must have been done by the bad dog belonging to the previous owners of this house.

My cats have had and enjoyed this cat tree for 12 years.

But those bottom corners weren't ruined by the cats.

They were ruined by Annie!

This next one was done by Citrus.

I heard chewing but thought she was chewing on her bone.

Nope, it was the chair.

I can see how she got confused; I mean, the bone and the chair look awfully similar.

Know what I notice looking back through this list?

The complete absence of German shepherds.

German shepherds, as opposed to Aussie shepherds, do not chew sh*t they're not supposed to.

I love German shepherds.

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